Working with the Town and knowing the practicalities of the development world, The Trust was able to create a pre-charette atmosphere, in which virtually all groups within the Town participated in and impacted the planning process. Topography, geology, natural systems and the natural history of the Rio-Grande area were studied. These ideas were synthesized into design directives, which together with The Trust’s practical experience resulted in a new Town Center Plan that won the support of the entire community. The plan incorporated an urban beach, tourism, public buildings, migratory bird flyways protection, residential and shopping locations all around a central lake and river system for the public and visitors alike.
Working with the Town and knowing the practicalities of the development world, The Trust was able to create a pre-charette atmosphere, in which virtually all groups within the Town participated in and impacted the planning process. Topography, geology, natural systems and the natural history of the Rio-Grande area were studied. These ideas were synthesized into design directives, which together with The Trust’s practical experience resulted in a new Town Center Plan that won the support of the entire community. The plan incorporated an urban beach, tourism, public buildings, migratory bird flyways protection, residential and shopping locations all around a central lake and river system for the public and visitors alike.